Debt investors: Funding programmes

Here you can find information covering securitisation and our covered bond programmes.

On this page you can find information covering securitisation and our covered bond programmes.

The Co-operative Bank's £4bn Global Covered Bond Programme

In October 2011, here at the Co-operative Bank we launched a £3billion equivalent, RCB compliant Global Covered Bond Programme (The Covered Bond Programme).

The Covered Bond Programme was subsequently updated in October 2012 with a size increase to £4bn and again in May 2024, to reflect latest market standards and to accommodate regulatory updates since the programme was first established.

Features of the Covered Bond programme include:

  • Credit quality of the underlying asset cover pool
  • Conservative structuring.

The Covered Bond Programme and all issuances under the programme will be rated by Moody’s.

The Covered Bond Programme can issue notes in multiple currencies.

Investor Reports

Here you can find the monthly Covered Bond Investor Reports available for you to download.

What will you need?

These documents are in 'PDF' so you'll need to have Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or above to read them. If you haven't got it, you can download it for free from Adobe.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the Covered Bonds Programme, please contact us on +44(0)161 201 7809 or email us.

Silk Road Programme

The Silk Road Finance RMBS Programme (The Silk Road Programme) has issued mortgage backed debt securities collateralised by UK originated prime mortgage assets since 2010. There have been six Silk Road transactions to date with the AAA bond issuance of £6.35bn (sterling equivalent).

Features of the Silk Road programme include:-

  • Standalone, static, pass-through structure.
  • Collateralised by a pool of UK first lien, owner occupied, residential prime mortgage loans originated under The Co-operative Bank for Intermediaries brand.
  • The conservative credit structure, strong underlying prime collateral quality, and extensive cash management experience are strong features of the transactions issued.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding Silk Road Finance Programmes, please email us.

Warwick Finance RMBS

Warwick Finance Number Three

Bank completed its third whole structure securitisation, Warwick Finance Number Three in October 2017. The deal documentation, investor reports, data tapes and cash flow model can be found here.

Warwick Finance Number Four

Bank completed its fourth whole structure securitisation, Warwick Finance Number Four in August 2019. The deal documentation, investor reports, data tapes and cash flow model can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding Warwick Finance Number Three or Warwick Finance Number Four, please email us.

Presentations and prospectuses

The Co-operative Bank Holdings Ltd £200m due 2034 Tier 2 notes prospectus

Supplemental Agency Agreement

Supplemental Trust Deed

The Co-operative Bank Finance p.l.c £200m due 2028 Senior Notes prospectus

Secured Funding Business Update

The Co-operative Bank Finance p.l.c £250m due 2027 Senior Notes prospectus

Secured Investor Update October 2019

The Co-operative Bank Finance p.l.c £200m due 2029 Tier 2 prospectus

2018 Results and Strategy Update

2017 Interim Results Investor Presentation

2016 Full Year Results Investor Presentation

2016 Interim Results Investor Presentation

2015 Full Year Results Investor Presentation

The Co-operative Bank RMBS Investor Update

2015 Interim Results Investor Presentation

Investor Day Presentation

Prospectus - £250m Callable Subordinated Tier 2 Notes due 2025

Co-operative Bank and WFRM1 update - June 2015

Leek RBMS Performance update - February 2015

The Co-operative Bank Stress Test Results Update

Risk Factors, May 2014

2013 Full Year Results Investor Presentation

Liability Management Exercise 2013

2012 Year End Investor Presentation - 21st March 2013

EMTN €500m Senior Notes Due Oct 2015

MTN Programme Prospectus 2012

2012 half year investor relations presentation – 10th September 2012

2011 year end investor presentation - 29th March 2012

Presentation to Investors HY2011

Final Terms - EMTN £275m Subordinated Notes Due April 2021

MTN Programme Prospectus 2011

Presentation to Investors 2010

Final Terms - EMTN £400m Senior Notes Due Sept 2017

Half Year Results 2010

Supplement to the MTN Programme Prospectus 2010

MTN Programme Prospectus 2010

The Co-operative Financial Services Presentation of Annual Results 2009

Debt Investor Presentation November 2009

Investor Presentation 10th July 2009

Perpetual Subordinated Bond (PSB) Prospectus

Capital Markets Presentation 2009

Presentation to Investors 2008

Presentation to Investors 2007

Capital Markets Presentation 2006

MTN Programme Prospectus 2008

The Co-operative Bank Preferences Shares Placing Document and Special Resolution